deletedMay 16Liked by Deb Sinness
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Lol and thanks for reading Ren!

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Well done, good and faithful service, and a good story of making the most of the cards you were dealt. You played the game well and you're a winner. Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for reading and your kind remarks Gary.

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I admire your determination!

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Thank you Barb.

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Deb, what a great story of persistence! This just moved me beyond words, and I so identified with it. All stories are different in the details. But I had the ingrained feeling that no matter how hard I tried, there would be barriers. I internalized the doubts of others. I was “underemployed” my whole life. But beneath it all, I trusted in my inner pilot light. I found my place here on Substack. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It is beyond inspiring.

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Mary, you nailed exactly how I felt: “I internalized the doubts of others. I was “underemployed” my whole life. But beneath it all, I trusted in my inner pilot light.” yes, Yes, YES!!👏

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The secretarial pool used to be called the pink ghetto and my mother forewarned me in high school that I shouldn't let others know I could type or that is all anyone would ever expect of me as she'd learned from the low expectations others had for her. Today all those things secretaries used to do are now things everyone does as part of their job. Now we are all secretaries! Long live the good secretaries.

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Smart mom, you're lucky!

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Deb - all I can say is HATS OFF! I love every bit of your story, all the pivots and reinventions and trying this and trying that. If you could bottle your indomitable spirit, I think you'll make a fortune! 🙌🏼

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Thanks for the kind words Lou, if only I could!?! You never know what you’re capable of until you’re faced with closed doors.

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May 18Liked by Deb Sinness

Great story, Deb! You persevered through tough times and situations and now you are living the dream! Good for you! I know what you mean about being grateful for a small pension. Even a small one makes such a difference and so many people don't even have that. Loved the photos! Hope your travels are going well and thanks for taking time out to write!

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Thank you Cherie, and yes, I am grateful for that every single day since I didn’t think retirement would ever be possible. So far I’ve been able to keep up with my writing, but it’s definitely been a challenge with travel, friends, and family.

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