"I. Am. Independent. As. F*ck!" I said in my pain block stupor. Turns out, I'm a non-compliant patient...but four months later, I'd hit the retirement road.
Thanks for the insight Deb. 77 year old Hubby came off his bike a couple of weeks ago onto his shoulder. He is desperately trying to rehab it with strength training rather than surgery. So far so good. But it was the wake up call he needed as to the importance of strength training. He has lost muscle mass over the last few years since we moved from our farm to a beach house. But he gets it now and I can stop nagging.
I sure hope it keeps improving for him because shoulder issues are no joke. I've heard it's easier to recover from replacements than rotator cuff surgery. Fingers crossed he'll never have to worry about it after his wake-up call and strength training rehab!
Aww Deb - Geez! The recliner tipping is so easy to do! Thanks for the giggles - it replaces the several times Dad tipped & fell out of the recliner, not realising he wasn't in bed. Those thumps weren't pleasant!
I appreciate the awkwardness and being independent, it's somewhat easier being the caregiver versus being the receiver of care. best wishes.
"I. Am. Independent. As. F*ck!"....I'm about to step into taking care of my mom after she has knee replacement in May. I can hear her thinking this inside her head, but she would NEVER say the f-word out loud.
Shoulders represent our ability to "shoulder through" and to "bear the burden of"...when they break down it is your body telling you to stop "shouldering through" and to stop "bearing the burden"...SO MANY WOMEN deal with shoulder injuries or frozen shoulder around the time of retirement and menopause. I really believe it is about their bodies tell them it is time to stop carrying the weight of others on our shoulders and to change and adjust your life to be about finally doing what you want for yourself.
That you had to brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand (and do other daily tasks) was a way for you to train your brain to do things differently overall.
Seems you are doing just that. Happy Scamp pulling!
Your "shoulder through" and "bear the burden" comments seem right on. There was a lot going on at the time. It did take a full year to fully heal, but so glad I got it done. Good luck to your mom on her knee replacement and to you with the role reversal. It's so hard to be the patient when you're used to being independent all your life.
Thanks for the insight Deb. 77 year old Hubby came off his bike a couple of weeks ago onto his shoulder. He is desperately trying to rehab it with strength training rather than surgery. So far so good. But it was the wake up call he needed as to the importance of strength training. He has lost muscle mass over the last few years since we moved from our farm to a beach house. But he gets it now and I can stop nagging.
I sure hope it keeps improving for him because shoulder issues are no joke. I've heard it's easier to recover from replacements than rotator cuff surgery. Fingers crossed he'll never have to worry about it after his wake-up call and strength training rehab!
Aww Deb - Geez! The recliner tipping is so easy to do! Thanks for the giggles - it replaces the several times Dad tipped & fell out of the recliner, not realising he wasn't in bed. Those thumps weren't pleasant!
I appreciate the awkwardness and being independent, it's somewhat easier being the caregiver versus being the receiver of care. best wishes.
Absolutely agree it's easier to be the caregiver than the receiver of care. Glad I could give you a giggle today.
"I. Am. Independent. As. F*ck!"....I'm about to step into taking care of my mom after she has knee replacement in May. I can hear her thinking this inside her head, but she would NEVER say the f-word out loud.
Shoulders represent our ability to "shoulder through" and to "bear the burden of"...when they break down it is your body telling you to stop "shouldering through" and to stop "bearing the burden"...SO MANY WOMEN deal with shoulder injuries or frozen shoulder around the time of retirement and menopause. I really believe it is about their bodies tell them it is time to stop carrying the weight of others on our shoulders and to change and adjust your life to be about finally doing what you want for yourself.
That you had to brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand (and do other daily tasks) was a way for you to train your brain to do things differently overall.
Seems you are doing just that. Happy Scamp pulling!
Your "shoulder through" and "bear the burden" comments seem right on. There was a lot going on at the time. It did take a full year to fully heal, but so glad I got it done. Good luck to your mom on her knee replacement and to you with the role reversal. It's so hard to be the patient when you're used to being independent all your life.
Great, great story Deb! Love the photos!
Thanks Cherie, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Nothing like the mother-daughter roles being reversed.
Thanks for the laugh this morning. That recliner episode was a hoot! You’re a warrior Deb!
Nothing like the combo of surgery drugs, invincibility & helplessness to bring out humor in my writing. It’s an episode Jes and I still laugh about.
I can't get that image out of my head of you tipping over in that recliner! Independent or obstinate? You had me giggling.
The picture didn’t do my helplessness justice…it was pretty funny.