Feb 2Liked by Deb Sinness

This one really hit hard. Loved it...

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Thank you, Sonja {{hugs}}

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The month when the line between love and loss aims for the heart: February. These pieces I am learning about your mother help me understand the emotional minefields you've navigated through life. I look forward to reading more. And I can only imagine what a package of sweets and treats you've sent off for Valentine's Day to your granddaughter!

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Your first line hit the mark because I hadn't even considered the Valentine's Day connection. Thanks for that insight.

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maybe it's my childhood connection to February and grandmothers and candy hearts. Love takes more than one month a year!

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Feb 2Liked by Deb Sinness

So good, So vulnerable, thanks for sharing Deb! As I was reading in could hear Uncle Don say, "You did what?" In a curious yet comical voice. He is dearly missed!

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Thank you so much Chad. You're right, I dearly miss his curiosity and support.

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Feb 2Liked by Deb Sinness

I'll just quote Sonja King - "This one hit really hard."

Oh, if we only had a half-dozen moments we could relive. In my case, I might not have developed such crappy relationships decades ago. If only I had addressed the enlarging icebergs between us through the lenses of mental illness. It seems you've managed to keep good relationships in spite of your challenges. Count that as a blessing, though I recognize that that blessing ironically carries an enduring sense of loss. And for that I send my condolences.

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Thank you, Mark. I've spent my whole life trying to understand because mental illness was something that wasn't talked about back in the day. It's an ongoing process for sure.

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Feb 2Liked by Deb Sinness

There have been so many rapid changes in our society. Be they good or bad, they all too frequently rattle the cages. It's encouraging to see at least a subset of people losing their disdain for those people unlike themselves - of whatever ilk. It's painfully slow but in the right direction.

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This was powerful. I'm so very sorry for your many losses. And how bizarre they all happened in February. Love the title. Fitting. Not to mention that February is notoriously a shitty month for weather. Thanks for sharing your life travels-- literally and figuratively.

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Thank you CK, and isn't it ironic that they all happened in February? Thanks for reading, and coming along for the ride.

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Feb 2Liked by Deb Sinness

Deb, I want to drive down to Tucson and give you a hug! Beautiful love story!

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Awww thanks Cherie {{hugs}}. I'm glad you saw it that way instead of just an outpouring of grief.

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